Maintenance and Usage Instruction

Each tree is different in terms of pattern, texture, color and vein structure. Due to the characteristic feature of the wood, a grainy, knotty, worm-eaten, hollow structure can be seen. Time and seasonal deformations reflect the naturalness of the tree and enable each product to come to life in a different identity.

Even if the tree is cut, it continues to live until it is completely ash. For this reason, it continues to be affected by the humidity, temperature and air circulation in the environment. With the effect of weather conditions, expansion and contraction may occur on the surface.

Direct contact of the product with honeycomb, stove or other high-temperature materials (pots, glasses, teapots, etc.) should be avoided. Underlay should be used for hot and liquid products. In case of spillage, it should be intervened immediately with a damp cloth.

Since the tree is affected by weather changes, it should be protected from direct sunlight, areas with air circulation or humidity, impacts and frictions.

Corrosive chemical materials should not be used in the products. Daily cleaning should only be done with a damp soft cloth. A dry and rough cloth may scratch the product.